Dermal Fillers vs. a Facelift

Fillers vs a Facelift

As an experienced aesthetic injector, James Christian Sardelli, RPA-C often receives questions about whether someone should choose dermal fillers over a facelift to achieve the desired look. “The answer is not always easy because it depends on what the person wants to achieve,” he says. Dermal fillers have increased in popularity over the last few […]

Fillers 101: The Anatomy of Lip Plumping

lip anatomy for fillers

Full, voluptuous lips are a facial feature that can add youthfulness and beauty to even the most attractive person. If you’re considering lip fillers, take a look at the ins and outs of how they are done, which areas can be enhanced, and what FDA-approved substance is most commonly used. How Lip Fillers Are Done […]

How to Get the Best Results from Dermal Fillers

Best Results from Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers and wrinkle fillers have become the first-line defense against the signs of aging. Years ago, all we had to choose from were mini, half, and full facelifts. Sure, they are extremely effective procedures, but they’re also quite invasive and have a long recovery time. Today, injectables are providing a youthful look with zero […]

Everything You Should Know About Lip Fillers

Lip Fillers

A soft, pillowy pout is your best accessory. Forget that Louis Vuitton bag; your lips can speak volumes (no pun intended) when it comes to youthfulness and attractiveness. Take a look at who to go to and what these fillers can do to enhance your natural beauty. Lip Augmentation: The New Go-To Cosmetic Procedure Just […]

Lip Fillers 101: What to Expect with Lip Enhancement

lip injections what to expect

The lips and eyes are our two most influential facial features. They allow us to communicate facial expressions, desirability, and often times give away our true age. As part of the aging process, the lips can begin to lose fat and collagen, becoming thinner and taking on a harsher, more deflated look. Lip enhancement using […]

Everything You Wanted to Know About Restylane

restylane faq

The lips are one of the most influential areas of the face. They are one of the first facial areas that people notice when speaking, smiling, and making expressions. Restylane® is my go-to filler when it comes to enhancing the lips. Whether my clients are looking for added volume, a different shape, or more defined […]

Celebrity Botox? Top Go-To Aesthetic Services That Celebrities Love

celebrities with dermal fillers

Celebrities are always in the spotlight, whether it’s on the red carpet or running to the grocery store. Knowing they that they have to bring their “A game” 100% of the time, they often choose certain injectable cosmetic services to accomplish that. Here are their top choices.