Restylane® Miami
What is Restylane®?

The video below explains more of how hyaluronic acid fillers work.

Filler By The CC
From $750 | (1cc) |

Kysse Me Twice
From $1,200 | (2cc) |

Love Your Lips
*Extra cost for Juvederm®
$725 | (Restylane® Kysse) |
$725 | (Juvederm® Ultra) |
$825 | (Juvederm® Ultra Plus) |
$825 | (Juvederm® Vollure) |

Russian Lips
*Extra cost for Juvederm®
From $899 |

Show A Little Cheek
*Extra cost for Juvederm®
$800 | (Restylane® Contour) |
$850 | (Restylane® Lyft) |
$1100 | (Juvederm® Voluma) |

Show A Little More Cheek
$1,199 | /2cc (Restylane®) |
$1,599 | /2cc (Juvederm®) |

Fox Eye Lift
$900/cc |

Tear Trough Filler
$900/cc |

5 Syringe Restylane®
Naturally enhance your look with a standard RESTYLANE® filler treatment of 5cc that can be divided up to areas as you like.
From $2,999 | 5cc |

Filler Triple Pack
From $1,799 | 3cc |

Eye Revive Treatment
Revive those eyes with a combo of Botox® or Dysport® and filler applied using our custom technique.
$999 | /1cc Restylane® filler for tear troughs + BOTOX® or Dysport® on Crowsfeet |

Ultra Facelift Plus
$3,800 | /5cc Restylane® fillers + 3 areas BOTOX® (60 units) or Dysport® (180 units) |

Christian's Masculine/Feminine Contour Bundle
Enhance your masculine or feminine features with this Restylane® filler bundle that’s perfect for men or women.
$2,999 | 2cc Filler For The Cheeks, 2cc For The Jawline And 1cc For The Chin. |

Jawline Contour/Slimming
$899 | 1cc Filler And Botox® |

Eye Revive XL Treatment
$1,599 | /2cc Restylane® filler for tear troughs + BOTOX® or Dysport® on Crowsfeet |

Christian's Cocktail
$1100 | /cc Restylane® filler + 3 areas BOTOX® (60 units) or Dysport® (180 units) |

Christian's Cocktail - Make It A Double
$1,600 | /2cc Restylane® filler + 3 areas BOTOX® (60 units) or Dysport® (180 units) |

Liquid Facelift
$2,200 | /3cc Restylane® fillers + 3 areas BOTOX® (60 units) or Dysport® (180 units) |

Ultra Facelift
$2,700 | /4cc Restylane® fillers + 3 areas BOTOX® (60 units) or Dysport® (180 units) |

Madison Ave Makeover
$5,600 | /4cc Restylane® fillers + 9 areas BOTOX® (up to 180 units) or Dysport® (up to 540 units) |

Lips & Lashes
$699 | 1cc Filler And Classic Full Set Eyelash Extensions |
Types of Restylane®
Different types of Restylane® are designed to target specific areas. Here are the common types.
Restylane® Kysse
Restylane® Kysse is another lip-enhancing filler. It reduces the wrinkles on the upper lip and increases the volume. Results of Restylane® Kysse are firmer and more flexible than Restylane® Silk. As a result, medical providers recommend Kysse for more striking outcomes.
Restylane® Contour
Restylane® Silk is an FDA-approved filler used explicitly for lip enhancement and smoothening out wrinkles around the lips. Unfortunately, lips lose volume and become thin with age. In addition, wrinkles begin to appear around the lips and mouth. This all has a hugely negative impact on your overall personality.
Restylane® Silk
Restylane® Silk is an FDA-approved filler used explicitly for lip enhancement and smoothening out wrinkles around the lips. Unfortunately, lips lose volume and become thin with age. In addition, wrinkles begin to appear around the lips and mouth. This all has a hugely negative impact on your overall personality.
Restylane® Lyft
Restylane® Lyft is an excellent and versatile filler that is used to treat moderate to severe wrinkles and folds. It adds volume to the cheeks, removes fine lines around the mouth, and fills in sunken and hollow temples. In addition, it enhances the shape of your nose.
Questions? We've Got Answers
As we age, our face’s central area begins to droop. The plump-up cheeks get sunken towards the earlobes, creating a tired and sagging facial appearance. When our cheeks lose volume, lines start to appear around the mouth. All these aging signs result in a tired, angry, and old look.
Restylane® Lyft restores the lost volume of cheeks, erases lines around the mouth, and provides a beautiful and youthful face with high and defined cheekbones.
The Restylane® Lyft is an FDA-approved filler. It helps to correct the sagging face and erase the smile lines. Removing the vertical lines that develop and spread from the corners of your mouth to your jawline deliver a more subtle enhancement in your appearance. It suddenly makes you look younger than your actual age.
Your temple region loses volume with age. Depression of temples becomes severe as you grow old. Restylane® Lyft amazingly fills depressed temples. It rejuvenates the area and provides a more youthful visage
Restylane® Lyft is a perfect filler if you want to improve your nose’s shape. It fills in depressed areas, lifts the angle or tip, and smoothens the appearance of bumps on the bridge of your nose. However, it cannot make your nose look smaller but straighten and enhance it.
Hyaluronic acid is the major component of Restylane® products. When injected into the skin, it increases the moisture levels, smoothens the skin textures, increases the volume of sunken facial features, and fills in wrinkles and lines. The hyaluronic acid has the ability to increase the production of collagen protein that is responsible for a tight and youthful complexion.
First, the physician cleanses the treatment area and then marks the injection sites. The Restylane® products contain lidocaine that numbs the pain. Secondly, a very fine needle is used to inject the fluid. But if a patient has a low pain threshold, the consultant may apply the numbing cream to minimize discomfort. Finally, after injecting the filler, the physician massages the treatment area to ensure that the filler is evenly distributed and prevents lumps. The whole procedure may take 15-60 minutes, depending upon the severity of the problems and the number of areas under treatment.
Your physician explains how to prepare for the treatment at the first consultation. For example, he may recommend not consuming blood-thinning medicines or supplements. It is also recommended to stop drinking alcohol for a few days before the treatment.
You can return to your usual activities after the treatment. Still, you need to be careful about avoiding blood-thinning medicines, strenuous exercise, direct sunlight, pain killers, scratching, or rubbing the treatment area. It is advised to stay hydrated and eat healthy meals post-treatment.
Restylane® effectively lessens the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles. In addition, it enhances the midface contours and balances the facial features, including the chin, cheeks, lips, and hands. In addition, it improves skin texture and tone to provide a rejuvenated look. The results of Restylane® typically last for 6-18 months.
Restylane® is safe and does not have any potential side effects. Mild redness, swelling, bruising, tenderness, and pain at the injection site are common. All these after-effects resolve in a day or two. If you experience some adverse reaction, contact the health care provider immediately.
The cost usually depends on the physician’s expertise, location, the area under concern, and desired results.
At James Christian Cosmetics, we charge between $725-$899 for treating different areas of concern.
The treatment procedure for Restylane® is virtually painless since the formula contains lidocaine, a mild numbing agent. Additionally, a numbing cream or solution is applied to the treatment site before injection to ensure maximum comfort.
Ideal candidates for Restylane® are people in good health and with realistic expectations. Though it cannot make you look 20 years younger than your age but gives a considerable youthful and refreshed look.
Pregnant, breastfeeding women and people experiencing skin infections, allergies, scarring, and bleeding disorders should avoid the treatment.
The Restylane® results are long-lasting. At the end of the day, it primarily depends on how quickly your body metabolizes the product injected into your skin. When it happens, you will observe that results are starting to fade. As it delivers temporary results, you must schedule follow-up treatments to maintain long-lasting results. However, most patients require 1-2 treatment sessions each year to reach their aesthetic goals.