5 Winter Skincare Tips for Men

Harsh winds and cold weather can spell disaster for everybody’s skin, including men and women. It snaps the moisture from the skin and causes dry patches, redness, and irritation, so it is crucial to keep your skin hydrated during winter. Following the proper skincare routine can help maintain your skin’s health. Here are 5 winter […]
How Botox Can Help to Achieve a Contoured and Slim Jawline

Your jawline and face are two critical features that can affect your appearance. If you have a sharp jawline, it can make you look more attractive. However, if you have a weak jawline or a lot of wrinkles on your face, it can make you look older or dull. Botox can help improve the appearance […]
Eight Hair Care Tips for Men

Haircare is not specific to women. Men do want luscious and healthy hair. It plays a great role in their overall appearance. Greasy scalp, dandruff, and hair loss are some major hair concerns for men. Here are eight hair care tips for men to incorporate into their grooming routine to have awesome-looking hair. 1. Mild […]
Top Facial Injection Services for Men

Looking hot and fabulous is not reserved only for women! Gone are the days when taking care of appearance was considered a shame for masculinity. Social media, celebrities, and influencers have helped to de-stigmatize what was once recognized as vanity. Men are progressively taking an interest in improving their looks. The facial injection services boost […]
Cracking the BROTOX Code

Aesthetic enhancement has long been exclusively for women in its early years. However, the past decade has shown quite an increase for men taking advantage of these advancements themselves. Botox injections especially have shown a great rise in the number of procedures performed on men. According to the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, over […]
Botox for Men: It’s More Common than You Think – Which Is Great!

Botox is not something just for the ladies anymore. In fact, it never was, it’s just that it has always been more common among women. However, Botox for men is a lot more common than we think. This minimally invasive procedure offers the same benefits to everyone. It will minimize the appearance of wrinkles and […]
BOTOX Is for Men Too

BOTOX® for men is usually referred to as “Brotox.” Men get their own name for it because they are owning it. Forget the days of the attraction to tired, rugged looking men. Women are running after younger looking men now, which is why men are running towards BOTOX. The Problem with Brotox Even though more […]
What Really Causes Men’s Wrinkles

As a man, it’s only natural for me to be curious about what causes wrinkles for men, and if there are differences based on gender alone. When I started out in this industry, I remember reading as much as I could on the topic of aging and asking my mentors and colleagues what seemed like […]