How Too Much Screen Time Affects Your Physical and Mental Health

Screen time can harm both physical and mental health. People who spend excessive time in front of screens may have lower levels of physical fitness and be at greater risk for obesity and can face problems with social interaction, concentration, and sleep. In addition, excessive screen time can lead to higher levels of anxiety and […]
7 Postpartum Wellness Tips

The transformation into motherhood is fantastic. However, after carrying a baby in the womb for months, women usually feel exhausted after giving birth. The postpartum period is challenging as you must adjust your life with a little one. The stress and demands of a baby, maintaining a healthy relationship, managing a job, and trying to […]
How to Make Time to Work out Daily with a Busy Schedule

We all know the significance of regular exercise and its benefits for health and well-being, but not having enough time to work out daily is our most common excuse. Twenty-four hours go by quickly. One minute you are waking up with expectations of a lot to accomplish, and the next thing you know, you are […]
How Exercise Can Improve Your Skin

It is a well-recognized fact that exercise has a plethora of health benefits. First, it keeps your body strong and your mind healthy. Second, it is highly beneficial for your skin too. Have you ever noticed the post-workout glow? It is real. This is what science tells us about the fantastic benefits of exercise for […]
Is Running the New Fountain of Youth?

Are you a runner? If not, you may want to consider picking up this healthy habit. It seems to have incredible anti-aging benefits. Don’t believe us? This news comes straight from the mouths of researchers! Where It All Started – Exercise and Mice In a preliminary study, Dr. Mark Tarnopolshy, who is a professor of […]
Learn how you can treat your excessive sweating with Botox

Sweating is something we all do. It’s our body’s way of cooling down. Some more so than others, and in various areas of the body. That can include under your armpits, hands, feet, forehead, under your breasts and other areas – it’s something almost all of us deal with on a daily basis. If you […]
Protox: Botox for the Professional Millennials

Botox has gained popularity through the years for treating wrinkles and preserving youthful looks. But Botox’s many uses do not end there. In recent years, there has been rising popularity to what is dubbed as Protox, a shortened form of professional Botox. This specialized Botox treatment is made for professionals wanting to exude a certain look, […]
Changing Habits for a Healthier You

Most of us have probably heard of the old saying, “Old habits die hard.” That’s absolutely true for most us. Adjusting your habits is a procedure that includes a variety of steps. For those improvements to be part of your daily routine, it will take some time and you’ll face some obstacles along the way. […]