How Sculptra Enhances Your Butt

Butt enhancement is a popular cosmetic procedure that can give people the confidence and beauty they desire. There are many purposes why people choose to have their butt enhanced, but the most common ones are to improve their appearance and to feel more confident. Having a bigger butt can make some people feel more attractive […]
Understand the Contrast Between Hydrating and Moisturizing Your Skin

You may have read the terms hydrating or moisturizing on skincare labels or in cosmetic advertisements. They may be used interchangeably in the beauty world, but there is a considerable difference between the two. Nevertheless, both serve as a key in providing skin with much-needed nourishment. But knowing the difference will help you make the […]
Reward Your Skin with Pumpkin Enzyme Facial

Your skin faces a lot of stress and strain daily. Cosmetic products, sun exposure, and harsh environmental conditions make your skin feel rough and dull. Sometimes following a regular skincare routine becomes insufficient. As the fall is approaching and everyone is craving pumpkins. This seasonal treat can help you fix your skin concerns. Do you […]
The Best Injectable Treatments for Undereye Wrinkles

Getting old is an obvious fact of life. Undereye wrinkles and fine lines are visible signs of aging. Some people start to develop the aging signs at an early age due to poor diet, lifestyle changes, or environmental stressors. The area around your eyes is most delicate. As it loses collagen and elastin, it makes […]
What’s HOT this July at James Christian Cosmetics!

Summer is heating up at James Christian Cosmetics and this July only we have some great deals online and special offers in-store that will help you look your best all summer long! BOTOX Special Pay per unit BOTOX® or DYSPORT® Botox® is HOT again this summer, and for good reason! It works great on those […]
Get the Gold Standard for Your Injectable Treatments

AQUAGOLD® Unbeknownst to many, gold had been in use for skincare thousands of years ago. Cleopatra is said to have used a gold mask during her sleep to keep a glowing youthful complexion. There also has been recorded use of gold in both Ancient Roman skincare and Ancient Chinese medicine. These ancient civilizations had all […]
How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Be Pretty

If you cared to ask around, you would know that most women believe that the stress and anxiety they are encountering in their daily lives had hastened the effects of aging on them. Stress surrounds us every single day from the demands of home life, noisy traffic on your commute to mounds of paperwork on […]
Get Your Perfect Face Shape With Fillers And Kybella

People’s faces come in different sizes and shapes, so when can you say a face is perfect? Beauty comes in many forms but research indicates that attractive faces have these qualities: proportionality, symmetry and youthfulness. The Cheeks High cheekbones and fuller cheeks have always been a sign of youth and health in society. If you’re self-conscious […]