What You Need to Know Before You Get Your First Filler

how to prepare for fillers

If you are thinking of getting dermal fillers this article will provide you with valuable insight before you get your first one. In today’s world, ‘getting work done’ doesn’t carry the same stigma it once did more than 5 years ago. People are more open about their procedures and that is really a good thing. […]

Wonderful Ways to Get Winning Skin this Winter

Winter skin care

Winter really can wreak havoc on the skin — it makes it dry, itchy, and irritated. The cold and blustery conditions outside can leave your skin feeling raw, while indoor heat zaps moisture from the air and from your skin. Even the things that make winter wonderful, such as cozying up by the fireplace, can […]

Switch to Sleeping on Silk for Smoother Skin

Sleeping on silk for smoother skin

You probably never thought twice about your pillowcase making you look older or turning your hair greasy nor drying out your skin. Once a well-kept secret of beauty insiders, silk pillowcases and sheets have gone mainstream. Style bloggers and beauty experts everywhere are weighing in to recommend sleeping on silk. But still, many people don’t […]

Lower the Risk of Premature Skin Aging

Woman looking at herself in the mirror

Premature aging is prominent as we grow older. Premature aging is signs of aging, such as facial wrinkles, fine lines, and black spots, which occurs around the age of 25. This can be caused by smoking, too much sun exposure, sleeping habits, diets, and more. For this aging process, fine lines and wrinkles appear first, […]

No Pain, No Gain: Weird Spa Treatments Around the World

Weird spa treatments

Most of us are willing to spend tons of money and go through anything just to achieve the epitome of beautiful. Some people are willing to be poked, experimented on, chemically burned, and more. The treatments we do in the United States doesn’t equate to the treatments being done in other countries. Fire, leech, bees, […]

Why Should Alcohol be Avoided?

How alcohol affects the skin

Drinking alcohol is an enjoyable and exciting activity for most of us, especially with friends and family. Also, too much alcohol consumption can be bad for our health. While most of us are having fun and might be over-indulging on drinking alcoholic beverages, this article might help you change for the better. Most of us […]

Reasons to Get BOTOX as a Reward for Yourself

Reasons to get BOTOX

Botox is such an amazing and powerful product. Aside from being approved by the FDA, it has been used by doctors for years to lessen the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and facial creases. Moreover, it is also used to treat some medical conditions such as eyelid spasms, some bladder disorders, and migraine. Most people […]

Make Your Hands Look Younger

Hands look younger

The hands are the part of our body which first displays our current age. While we’re rushing to go to a hairstylist to cover our gray hair and busy spreading multiple anti-aging beauty products to our faces, we often forgot to take care of our hands. Our hands exhibit wrinkles with age, and they depend […]