Botox VS Dysport, which one is Better?

Botox VS Dysport
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Wrinkles and fine lines are the natural signs of aging. Collagen and elastin proteins are responsible for our tight skin. Poor diet, smoking, drinking alcohol, sun exposure, and repeated facial expressions such as frowning, squinting, and smiling make the wrinkles more prominent. Sometimes premature aging signs start to show up earlier than we expect.

Better diet, drinking water, and using skincare products are not enough to bring wrinkle-free skin. The injectables are a fantastic, non-surgical way to smoothen wrinkles and fine lines. The add the lost volume to your face. The chemical substances are used in injectables. Botox and Dysport are amazing wrinkles fading injectables. Read on to know what they are, what they do, how they are different, and which one is better.

What is Botox?

Botox is a non-invasive, non-surgical procedure that the FDA first approved to treat frown lines and crow’s feet. It is a neurotoxin known as botulinum toxin type A. It blocks the nerve signals that target muscles to contract. Temporarily paralyzing the muscles helps to remove fine lines and wrinkles.

Botox is obtained from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botox injections are rapid and relatively painless. They work in deeper layers of your skin. After the treatment, your nerve signals will start to function normally, but they cannot reach muscles. Thus, prevent the muscles from contracting.

The results of Botox start to appear after 48 hours of the treatment. They become more noticeable within 7-11 days. The treatment is efficient with no potential side effects. Botox effects usually last from three to six months.

What is Dysport?

Dysport is a lot similar to Botox. It is a neuromodulator derived from botulinum toxin. Dysport injectables are great for reducing the overall appearance of fine lines in the glabellar region.

The glabellar lines are also known as frown lines. They occur due to the natural aging process or excessive frowning or squinting. They become unavoidable with age, and you start to look perpetually tired, older, and less pretty.

It works the same as the Botox injections do, preventing the neurotransmitters from sending signals to muscles. So, they temporarily paralyze the muscles. This paralyzing effect lasts for 3-6 months.

The Dysport injectables are FDA approved. Medicis is the company that first manufactured the Dysport. Later, Galderma purchased the company. It has been used in Europe for many years and came to the United States market in 2009.

The Difference Between Botox and Dysport.

Botox and Dysport both are Botulinum injections. Both help prevents and reduces wrinkles such as frown lines, forehead wrinkles, and crow’s feet.

The effectiveness of protein is different in both the injectables. Botox got approval for treating forehead lines, crow’s feet, and lines around the mouth, while Dysport injections are meant to treat glabellar lines. They penetrate deeper than Botox and cover a wide area, making them suitable for larger affected areas. It is less effective to treat smaller areas with precision.

Dysport injections are more diluted than Botox. You may need less Botox injection than Dysport ones. It does not necessarily make Botox more effective. Dysport has a smaller number of molecules that make it faster than Botox treatment.

Which one is Better?

As we have mentioned all the differences between the two, it is easier to choose the one for yourself. Furthermore, due to smaller botulinum particles and protein buffers, Dysport shows results within four days while Botox takes a maximum of 10 days. So, for quicker results, Dysport is a better option.

If you are willing to treat the smaller area like the laugh lines, Botox is preferable because Dysport may extend to further area around the mouth and can cause unwanted effects.

The Bottom Line

Before choosing the treatment, make sure you are getting it from a well-trained cosmetic physician. An expert spends years of his life understanding the anatomy and makeup of the face. He can help you choose the proper treatment by examining your skin concerns.

No matter what procedure you are interested in, you should always consider the experience and knowledge of the provider you choose. James Christian has over ten years of experience in the field. Contact James Christian Cosmetics for more information or book your appointment now to get the desired results.

*Information in this article is not medical advice and may not be factually accurate. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. Consult with a physician before attempting any tips in this blog post and to get the most up to date factual data about any procedure or treatment.