Why Should Alcohol be Avoided?

Drinking alcohol is an enjoyable and exciting activity for most of us, especially with friends and family. Also, too much alcohol consumption can be bad for our health. While most of us are having fun and might be over-indulging on drinking alcoholic beverages, this article might help you change for the better. Most of us […]
Reasons to Get BOTOX as a Reward for Yourself

Botox is such an amazing and powerful product. Aside from being approved by the FDA, it has been used by doctors for years to lessen the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and facial creases. Moreover, it is also used to treat some medical conditions such as eyelid spasms, some bladder disorders, and migraine. Most people […]
Keep Your Skin Glowing All Summer Long

During summer, we experience an early dawn and a late dusk. The days are also longer, and the evenings are shorter compared to the other seasons. It is also considered as the hottest season of the year which increases the possibility for people to accumulate sun damage and become dehydrated. Here are some helpful information […]
The Best Ways To Start Getting Your Look Ready For Summer

Summer is on the way, and we’re all ready to greet the sunny days with an awesome look. Keep reading to learn more about 6 ways to get ready for summer and enhance your look! 1. Start reorganizing your wardrobe Many of us struggle to clear things up when the season changes. Some people are […]
Eyelash Extensions Are A Hot Trend

Eyelash extensions are one of the hottest new trends that are taking off in the aesthetics industry in 2020 and it’s not surprising why – they’re affordable, they’re fun and they look fabulous! But what are eyelash extensions? Are they permanent? How do they work? These are just a few of the questions we’re hoping […]
Valentine’s Day Is Here, How Do You Celebrate?

Love it or hate it. The day of celebrating love has arrived. You’ve probably seen the signs of it coming since the minute Christmas was over. Stores start pushing out all the Valentine’s day stuff on to the shelves. Chocolates, stuffed animals and basically all things red and covered in hearts have been spreading like […]
Long-Term Safety of Fillers

The use of fillers to boost the beauty of the face and other body parts has been increasing for the last few years, and there’s no sign it’s stopping. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons Report finds that these minimally invasive cosmetic procedures have jumped 200% since 2000. With so many people getting fillers, many […]
Warning: DIY Injectables Risk Your Health and Beauty

In addition to BOTOX® parties, there’s another new trend – DIY injectables. People are buying BOTOX or hyaluronic acid fillers online and injecting themselves with it. Do not do it. The Dangers of DIY Injectables In 2017, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) made a formal warning not to buy fillers online, “NEVER buy dermal […]