Why Chemical Peels are a Secret to Flawless Skin

chemical peel for large pores

For only a few people, beautiful skin comes down to genetics. Everyone else requires a lot of help to get flawless skin. Chemical peels are one of the great options to treat various skin concerns, from signs of aging to acne scars or hyperpigmentation. Though the name sounds scary, in reality, it is not. It […]

How Microneedling Can Help with Acne Scars

Microneedling Can Help with Acne Scars

Acne is one of the most frustrating skin condition that can leaves scars. The dark red spots are not easy to hide and even difficult to treat. People use topical treatments like facial serum or DIY masks to fade the scars. This method can take months or years to offer you some noticeable results. Several […]

Ensure the Health and Beauty of Your Skin

Health and beauty of your skin

At James Christian Cosmetics, our injectable specialists focus on leading patients to their best facial or physical appearance based on their needs and desires. As such, we like to ensure that our patients maintain the health of their skin. Part of doing this is understanding the importance of checking moles. Sun Exposure Adds Up All […]

Your Summer 2021 Treatment Guide For Pesky Body Acne

Body acne

During the summer months many experience what is commonly known as “Summer Body Acne”. This is when the excessive heat, humidity and sweating clogs our pores with oil, feeding acne causing bacteria and leading to inflammation and breakouts. Most commonly these breakouts are noticeable on the back, chest and even buttocks. If you tend to […]

What’s HOT this July at James Christian Cosmetics!

What's HOT at James Christian Cosmetics?

Summer is heating up at James Christian Cosmetics and this July only we have some great deals online and special offers in-store that will help you look your best all summer long! BOTOX Special Pay per unit BOTOX® or DYSPORT®  Botox® is HOT again this summer, and for good reason! It works great on those […]

Get the Gold Standard for Your Injectable Treatments

Aquagold injectable treatments

AQUAGOLD® Unbeknownst to many, gold had been in use for skincare thousands of years ago. Cleopatra is said to have used a gold mask during her sleep to keep a glowing youthful complexion. There also has been recorded use of gold in both Ancient Roman skincare and Ancient Chinese medicine. These ancient civilizations had all […]

Botox VS Fillers in Miami Beach

Botox VS Fillers

Aesthetic treatments have come a long way over the years. Today society has been very open and accepting of these cosmetic procedures. Botox and dermal fillers being the frontrunners of the popularity boom for non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Injectable fillers and Botox have both become extremely popular options to help people look younger. The reason for […]

Goodbye Lip Lines, Hello Lovely Smiles

Botox remove lip lines

Lipstick lines, smoker’s lines, lip lines, lip wrinkles–these are the many names for those annoying, vertical wrinkles that appear above and around your lips. Whatever different names people may call them, there is a singular goal to be rid of them. Let’s begin with the basics, how do we get lip lines, how do we […]