The Best Injectable Treatments for Undereye Wrinkles

under eye wrinkles botox

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Getting old is an obvious fact of life. Undereye wrinkles and fine lines are visible signs of aging. Some people start to develop the aging signs at an early age due to poor diet, lifestyle changes, or environmental stressors. The area around your eyes is most delicate. As it loses collagen and elastin, it makes you look more tired and aged than you actually are. There are many reliable, safe, and effective injectable treatments available to improve sagging and wrinkled skin under your eyes.

Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers plump up the sunken skin. They restore the eye contours. The main element of dermal fillers is Hyaluronic acid which acts like a sponge when injected into the skin. It expands, fills in folds, adds volume, and moisturizes the skin. The dermal fillers can be used all over the face to treat wrinkles and fine lines. The best dermal fillers for undereye wrinkles are as follows.


Juvederm is a hyaluronic acid-based dermal filler that improves the production of collagen and elastin protein to plump up the surface. It is a non-surgical, non-invasive, and FDA-approved injectable treatment that improves hollowed-out or sunken under eyes. In addition, it enhances the appearance of puffy bags and makes you look fresh and young. The results of Juvederm dermal fillers last for 12-18 months.


It is a classic and most used injectable treatment for under-eye wrinkles. It gives subtle and natural-looking results. Lidocaine is present in Restylane filler, ensuring minimum discomfort during the procedure. This dermal filler works well on cheeks, around the nose, eyes, and lips.

Restylane effectively removes the hollowness and dark circles under the eyes. It is an FDA-approved treatment whose results last for up to 10 months.


The unique composition of Radiesse makes it effective for undereye wrinkles. It consists of calcium hydroxyapatite (CaHA) microspheres commonly found in bones and are very efficient in increasing collagen production in the skin.

The Radiesse injectable filler minimizes the appearance of under-eye bags and wrinkles. In addition, it provides natural and long-lasting results.

Botox with Eye Filler Treatment

Undereye Wrinkles
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Botox is an injectable treatment most commonly used to treat crow’s lines around your eyes. It is not similar to dermal fillers. Instead, Botox is a botulinum toxin type A that paralyzes the muscles to leave the skin smooth and refreshed. It is often used with dermal fillers to smooth out dynamic muscles and improve the area with lost volume.

Easy and Fast Procedure

The injectable treatments for under-eye wrinkles are fast and easy. You just need to spare 30-40 minutes from your routine. All of the procedures mentioned above are non-invasive that do not require days or weeks for recovery. You will be likely to observe improvement in undereye wrinkles instantaneously.

Are Injectable Treatments Safe for Undereye Wrinkles?

It is vital to choose an FDA-approved injectable treatment for under-eye wrinkles. However, the experience of a physician is equally important. If it is not injected correctly, it can even cause blindness. Always choose a dermatologist or injectable expert who has a lot of experience with under-eye fillers.

People who are sensitive to the material used in injectables, have an eye infection, or have substantial eye bags are not suitable for the treatment.

Book Your Consultation

If you are interested in brightening up your eyes and reducing undereye bags, book your consultation with James Christian Cosmetics. Our team of specialists will examine your condition and recommend the proper treatment for you. James Christian is an injectable expert with years of experience injecting Botox, Juvederm, Restylane, Radiesse, and other dermal filler treatments. Call us to book an appointment.

*Information in this article is not medical advice and may not be factually accurate. It is intended for entertainment purposes only. Consult with a physician before attempting any tips in this blog post and to get the most up to date factual data about any procedure or treatment.