5 Simple Tips to Age Well

Tips to Age Well

Getting old is a natural process, and nobody can control it. However, the lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, and a positive attitude play a significant role in living long and growing old gracefully. Age gracefully does not mean trying to look like a 20 or something. It is about living your best life physically and […]

How to Slow Down the Skin Aging

slow down skin aging

Aging happens. Your body starts to age, and your skin shows it. The loss of collagen and elastin proteins causes the skin to loosen and sag. Gradually the fine lines transform into deeper wrinkles. If you start taking care of your skin as early as possible before the 30s, you will likely slow down the […]

The Best Injectable Treatments for Undereye Wrinkles

under eye wrinkles botox

Getting old is an obvious fact of life. Undereye wrinkles and fine lines are visible signs of aging. Some people start to develop the aging signs at an early age due to poor diet, lifestyle changes, or environmental stressors. The area around your eyes is most delicate. As it loses collagen and elastin, it makes […]

Ensure the Health and Beauty of Your Skin

Health and beauty of your skin

At James Christian Cosmetics, our injectable specialists focus on leading patients to their best facial or physical appearance based on their needs and desires. As such, we like to ensure that our patients maintain the health of their skin. Part of doing this is understanding the importance of checking moles. Sun Exposure Adds Up All […]

Tips to Avoid Weight Gain from Jet Lag

Weight gain from jet lag

The world is opening back up and many are just itching to start traveling again! Not just for pleasure but for business too. Business professionals often take flights throughout the year. As much as they try to eat healthfully and exercise, some continue to deal with unwanted fat in certain areas of their body.We all […]

Your Summer 2021 Treatment Guide For Pesky Body Acne

Body acne

During the summer months many experience what is commonly known as “Summer Body Acne”. This is when the excessive heat, humidity and sweating clogs our pores with oil, feeding acne causing bacteria and leading to inflammation and breakouts. Most commonly these breakouts are noticeable on the back, chest and even buttocks. If you tend to […]

What’s HOT this July at James Christian Cosmetics!

What's HOT at James Christian Cosmetics?

Summer is heating up at James Christian Cosmetics and this July only we have some great deals online and special offers in-store that will help you look your best all summer long! BOTOX Special Pay per unit BOTOX® or DYSPORT®  Botox® is HOT again this summer, and for good reason! It works great on those […]

When is the right time to start BOTOX?

when to start botox

As we age our bodies begin to produce less collagen and elastin. These are the natural proteins that are responsible for keeping our skin firm and vibrant. Over time, the gradual decline in these proteins will result in fine lines forming around your brows, eyes and lips. Furthermore, certain lifestyle habits such as smoking and […]