Masseter De-Chipmunk – Botox Jawline Definition and Slimming

Chipmunks, no matter how cute they are is not a look or a face shape anyone would aim for, most people would prefer a tapered face shape. Yet we all know, people come with varying face shapes depending on genetics and habits. The Masseter Muscle What exactly is a masseter muscle? It is a facial […]
How to Have Full Lips Without the Fillers

For quite some time now full plump lips have been the most sought-after cosmetic enhancement procedure. What with the number of celebrities sporting those full luscious lips on their feeds for all the world to see. Getting a lip filler is usually the way to go in order to achieve that sexy pout and it […]
Product Spotlight: Botox Injectables

The pursuit of the fountain of youth is an ongoing quest for many. Waters that can restore youth has been the subject of legends, history recounts voyages said to be in search of the mythical water that brings forth eternal youth. Yet no one can claim ever finding it, however, advances in technology have given […]
Beauty Trend: Fox Eyes

There’s this other new beauty aesthetic heavily influenced by social media. We have seen the popularity of Facetune in recent years, the Instagram face has evolved and is reflected on the faces of influencers like Bella Hadid, Kendall Jenner and their sisters. A key component of this look lies in the eyes, a combination of […]
Want Beautiful Brows: Choose a Non-Surgical Brow Lift

Instagram is flooded with influencers’ faces showing brows with arches sky high. It’s part of the Instagram aesthetic sported by the likes of Selena Gomez and Kendall Jenner. While this might be a passing fad or might be here to stay, there are also people with naturally drooping eyelids and low hanging eyebrows that need […]
How to Vanish Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Bags and dark circles under the eyes, no one likes it. If you do have them, then you are one of those persons wishing them to disappear. Sadly, they do not vanish magically but there sure are ways on how to reduce the appearance of dark circles and puffy eyes. There are a number of […]
How Can You Preserve Youthfulness

Everywhere you turn, you’ve probably heard experts discussing the importance of eating well and exercising regularly to preserve your health. But can these healthy habits preserve your youthfulness, too? Research says yes. You are What You Eat An Anti-aging diet should have the aim of reducing excess calories and maintaining or enhancing the body’s resistance […]
What are the Aesthetic Services that Celebrities Love?

Celebrities are always in the spotlight, whether it’s on the red carpet or running a quick errand. The pressure to always be at their best selves is always present. In the old times, celebrities would often deny doing a procedure to enhance their looks. Today it is much different, with the advent of reality shows, […]