Changing Habits for a Healthier You

Heathly habits

Most of us have probably heard of the old saying, “Old habits die hard.” That’s absolutely true for most us. Adjusting your habits is a procedure that includes a variety of steps. For those improvements to be part of your daily routine, it will take some time and you’ll face some obstacles along the way. […]

Say Goodbye to Your Double Chin

Double chin causes

Most of the time, when we see a double chin, we tend to think that it might be a sign of gaining weight or obesity, but it’s not always the case. A double chin is not a sign of poor health, but lots of people find them unflattering, and they can lower your self-esteem. What […]

Why Should Alcohol be Avoided?

How alcohol affects the skin

Drinking alcohol is an enjoyable and exciting activity for most of us, especially with friends and family. Also, too much alcohol consumption can be bad for our health. While most of us are having fun and might be over-indulging on drinking alcoholic beverages, this article might help you change for the better. Most of us […]

The Consequences of Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation

Sleep requirements differ from person to person. Some might need more than 9 hours of sleep, while others may need less than 7 hours. But most healthy adults require 7 to 9 hours of sleep for them to operate at their best. We all know that lack of sleep also referred to as sleep deprivation […]

Too Much Sugar Affects the Skin

Sugar affects the skin

Too much sugar in our body is known to cause health problems such as diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. But, did you know that it can also affect your skin? We all know that the major contributors to one’s sugar intake are soft drinks and sugary snacks. You might think that drinking a glass of […]

Keep Your Skin Glowing All Summer Long

Make your skin look like it's glowing

During summer, we experience an early dawn and a late dusk. The days are also longer, and the evenings are shorter compared to the other seasons. It is also considered as the hottest season of the year which increases the possibility for people to accumulate sun damage and become dehydrated. Here are some helpful information […]

Beauty Tip Tuesday: How Fitness Affects Aging

Beauty tip tuesday fitness

For today’s Beauty Tip Tuesday let me ask… What images come to mind when you hear the word fitness? If you think of mainly horrible things like pain and fear then you have probably already preconditioned yourself against fitness. In this week’s post we’re going to go over some tips to help you start to […]

Premature Aging Due To Stress?

can stress cause premature aging?

Believe it or not, there’s actually been a number of studies and publications on the link between stress and aging. And the results really aren’t that surprising. How much better would you life be without stress? Unfortunately, unless you are a millionaire that has your every whim catered for chances are there will always be […]