Can Going Vegan Improve Your Skin?

Can Going Vegan Improve Your Skin

Veganism has become somewhat of a trend these days. The Economist reported that 2019 is the year of the vegan with approximately 7.9 million people in the U.S. adopting this way of eating. So, what is veganism? People who eat a vegan diet abstain from consuming animal products. This includes not only meat, but also […]

Benefits of Blueberries Reign for Beautiful Skin

benefits of blueberries

The benefits of blueberries are plentiful for your skin and this post we’ll got over some of them. While James Christian Cosmetics specializes in helping people look their best on the outside, we also believe proper nutrition can greatly affect inner health and beauty. With our aesthetic services AND a healthy diet, our customers are […]

An Avocado a Day Can Keep the Wrinkles Away

Benefits of Avocado

Avocados…you’ve probably heard it time and again that they’re healthy, but did you know they can also fight wrinkles? It’s true! How Avocados Fight Wrinkles Avocados are chock full of vitamins and healthy fats that nourish the skin. This means that eating them can keep your skin looking smooth and youthful. The two most important […]

Do Hair, Skin, and Nail Supplements Really Work?

Nail supplements

Hair, skin and nail supplements are everywhere — promising users faster growing, stronger hair, glowing skin, and longer nails. But do they really work? Effectiveness of Hair, Skin and Nail Supplements Scientists have been researching the effects of different vitamins and nutrients for many years. Supplement manufacturers take the results of those findings to formulate […]

What Alcohol Does to Your Skin

Alcohol's Effects on the Skin

You may not want to know what beer, cocktails and wine are doing to your skin. But it’s important! Your alcohol consumption may be damaging your skin. Alcohol’s Effects on the Skin New York nutritionist Jairo Rodriguez says, “Alcohol is actually one of the worst, most aggressive compounds to destroy your skin.” Rodriguez goes on […]

How Sugar Affects the Skin

How Sugar Affects the Skin

Do you have a sweet tooth? If so, it may be causing you to age faster. Numerous studies show that sugar is just as bad for your skin as it is for your health. It can be hard to find the motivation to stop eating sugary foods. But knowing more about how it affects your […]

What You Eat May Be Causing Adult Acne

Adult acne

Acne is one of the most frustrating parts of being an adolescent, and that frustration doubles when it’s still a problem in your 20s, 30s, or even 40s. Adult acne is something many people deal with, so know that you’re not alone. Despite the comfort of knowing that others are also struggling with this stubborn […]

The Scientific Benefits of a Juice Cleanse

Benefits of a juice cleanse

People have been trying juice cleanses for years. It’s one of the few health practices that haven’t fallen by the wayside. Unlike other types of cleanses, research has identified several benefits of a juice cleanse. Refreshes the Digestive System The digestive system works hard to process all of the foods and drinks you consume each […]