How to Reduce Stress and Anxiety: Be Pretty

If you cared to ask around, you would know that most women believe that the stress and anxiety they are encountering in their daily lives had hastened the effects of aging on them. Stress surrounds us every single day from the demands of home life, noisy traffic on your commute to mounds of paperwork on […]
Get Your Perfect Face Shape With Fillers And Kybella

People’s faces come in different sizes and shapes, so when can you say a face is perfect? Beauty comes in many forms but research indicates that attractive faces have these qualities: proportionality, symmetry and youthfulness. The Cheeks High cheekbones and fuller cheeks have always been a sign of youth and health in society. If you’re self-conscious […]
Injectable Solution for Chin Definition

Throughout history, a strong, balanced profile has been prized in both genders. Today, we still value the same profile from centuries ago. We perceive a person with a stronger chin as stronger, smarter, and more of a go-getting type of person. However, our chins come in all shapes and sizes, many men and women have poorly-defined chins […]
Reshape Your Cheeks

High cheekbones and fuller cheeks have always been a sign of youth and health in society. As people age, they may experience facial volume loss caused partly by the breakdown of proteins such as collagen that provide structure to the skin. Facial volume loss can also be due to weight loss, excess sun exposure, smoking […]
Nonsurgical Jawline Contouring

Nonsurgical jawline contouring is an aesthetic treatment that utilizes injectable dermal fillers to add volume to the jaw, chiseling the form of the lower face. While adding volume to accomplish a more defined look may appear to be strange, the procedure is in fact viable. The very minimal addition in volume can upgrade the jawline’s […]
Botox VS Fillers in Miami Beach

Aesthetic treatments have come a long way over the years. Today society has been very open and accepting of these cosmetic procedures. Botox and dermal fillers being the frontrunners of the popularity boom for non-surgical aesthetic procedures. Injectable fillers and Botox have both become extremely popular options to help people look younger. The reason for […]
Goodbye Lip Lines, Hello Lovely Smiles

Lipstick lines, smoker’s lines, lip lines, lip wrinkles–these are the many names for those annoying, vertical wrinkles that appear above and around your lips. Whatever different names people may call them, there is a singular goal to be rid of them. Let’s begin with the basics, how do we get lip lines, how do we […]
Why KYBELLA is Better than Liposuction for Double Chin?

Blame it on social media, we are becoming very critical of how we look. A lot of people are zeroing in on their chins, bothered that they are seeing double. According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, almost 68% of all Americans are affected by the issue of a double chin. This number is […]