How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Get Rid of Acne Scars

Oh, the teen years – you remember them, right? For most people, it’s a memory firmly implanted in their minds forever.  One of the most unforgettable parts of those years was the oh-so-attractive pimples that came along with hormonal changes and stress. For some of you, it may be even harder to forget about those […]

Over-the-Counter Prescription Strength Differin for Wrinkles

differin for wrinkles

Prescription strength Differin® gel has recently been released over-the-counter. While this drug was originally prescribed to people suffering from acne, many people are buying it for its possible anti-aging effects. Is this product good at reducing wrinkles and fine lines and preventing them? The verdict is still out on its effectiveness in both of these […]

How to Reduce Undereye Darkness

How to reduce undereye darkness

Raise your hand if you have dark circles under your eyes. Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Dark circles can run in families, and can be quite irritating because they can make you look tired and worn out. The good news is that there are many things you can do to lighten the darkness under your […]

What BOTOX Feels Like for a First Timer

What Botox Feels Like

I’m not going to tell you that BOTOX® feels pleasant. I’m also not going to tell you that it’s so painful that clients don’t come back for more. But what I am going to tell you is what my clients have told me about how it feels to them. I hope this information will help […]

The 4 Biggest Mistakes People Make With Their Skin

Skin care mistakes

As an aesthetics injector, I work on my clients’ skin every day. I can see the damage that has occurred over the years, and there are four mistakes that I see again and again. I’d like to share these mistakes with you so that you can hopefully save yourself the trouble of making them. Mistake […]

5 Reasons Why Fall Is the Best Time for Botox

fall Botox specials

Fall is coming quickly, and it’s one of my busiest times for BOTOX® Cosmetic appointments. Every year around this time, I have an influx of clients seeking its wrinkle-busting power. I’ve asked some people why they choose this time of year for their treatment, and it’s usually one of the following five reasons. #1: End […]

Top 5 Skin Care Tips For Your 20s

Skin Care Tips For Your 20s

Hello beauties! Summer is reaching a close soon, and that means that many of us will be dealing with some post-summer sun damage. Sunscreen isn’t the only thing that many 20-somethings neglect; there other things you may not know about that may be damaging your skin. Refined Sugar Ah, the sweet stuff…everyone loves it. But […]

Top 3 Tips for Radiant Summer Skin

Radiant Summer Skin

Summer is here, and that means more opportunities for dehydration and sun damage. If you want to look your best this summer, check out these 3 tips to help your skin glow all summer long. Hydrate with Electrolytes Hydration is the number one way to get your skin to look youthful and refreshed. With hot […]